Daily Devotionals

The Simple Discipleship process includes four primary value dimensions based on the four color fields or quadrants surrounding the cross—Worship, Word, Ministry, and Missions. The words summarize four broad dimensions of the Christian life and may also be stated—Know Christ, Grow in Christ, Serve Christ, and Share Christ. Much, if not all, of the Bible may be categorized using these four broad value-based dimensions. With that in mind, I have provided the materials on this page that are consistent with the Bible and Simple Discipleship principles. Use them for your growth.

Grow in Christ!


Having just celebrating Christmas and the birth of Jesus the Christ, it seems appropriate to look at other miraculous births in the Bible. Aside from that of John the Baptist recorded in the first chapter of Luke’s gospel, there is another miraculous birth that is remarkably similar to that of John’s. In Genesis 12, 15, and 17 the Lord promised Abraham that his wife Sarah would have a son. Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was over 90 years old and well beyond childbearing ability (Genesis 17:17). God’s promise is fulfilled in Genesis 21:1-7 where the Word says “and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised.” You may remember that Abraham and Sarah had tried to manipulate God’s will in order to fulfill the promise of a son. That resulted in the birth of Ishmael and many broken relationships down through the ages. However, God kept his promise to Abraham and Sarah for the son who would be the ancestor of the Christ child. The contrast here is doing things your way or doing things God’s way. One thing is for certain: God keeps his promises. In the new year, will you keep doing things your way or will you do things God’s way and receive the BIG blessing?

SD CrossPoints

  1. In what ways are you doing things your way that are not getting desired results?
  2. In what ways are you running from God?
  3. What miracles would you like for God to do in your life that you have been unable to accomplish?
  4. I challenge you to start 2012 doing things God’s way by living life around the cross.

Simple Discipleship Blessings!

Dr. Tom Cocklereece

To visit our primary website for resources, go to: http://www.simplediscipleship.com

Dr. Tom Cocklereece is CEO of RENOVA Coaching and Consulting, LLC
Author “Simple Discipleship,” contributing writer L2L Blogazine
He is a pastor, an author, professional coach, and leadership specialist

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Order the books “Simple Discipleship” and The Disciple-Maker’s Toolkit at http://www.simplediscipleship.com. Read the book and you will find yourself looking and studying the Bible with new enthusiasm.

2 Responses to “Daily Devotionals”

  1. Diane Grover Says:

    very good to ponder !!!!!!

  2. Keith Houston Says:

    Structure like this is a needed resource in everday life,
    and I fall short of this outline in morning devotional. When I follow the basic tenets that mirror this outline, I notice a power to live a joyous and victorious day, with
    a desire to share testimony with various individuals.
    As I am under strutiny at work, I quickly offer a point to build up someone as often as possible. Humor is preferable to the easy temptation to be critical. Others that I work with, marvel that my temporary assignment has gone so long, but I am grateful to Jesus for that!!

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