I met Victor Benevides when we attended doctoral seminars together at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He has a contagious spirit for sharing Christ. I love being with him in public places just to see how easily he engages in sharing Christ with others in authentic yet inventive ways. While sharing my faith does not come so easily as it does for Victor, as I observe him, I do not feel inadequate. Rather, I feel inspired as I realize, “I could do that too!” or “Why didn’t I think of saying that?” Victor makes evangelism look easy without being pretentious. I have read many books on the subject of evangelism and Victor’s book is among the best and most practical book on the subject. Buy it, read it, apply it!                  …Tom Cocklereece


Learn How to “Break the Evangelism Code”

Have you wondered if evangelism still works? Why does it seem that so many people are down on doing what Jesus Christ commanded His followers to do, “Go make disciples” ? Since surrendering my life to Jesus, I have had a desire and passion to share Christ. I began with my co-worker. I shared the best way I knew how to express what God had done in my life.

Not having been trained I shared with friends and family. When I heard that my church was offering evangelism training I signed up for a 13 week class. It was tough but I managed to learn because I wanted to be obedient to Jesus command to go.

Over the years I have been shocked to hear church staff members and ministers make the statement that they were not sure if evangelism worked anymore. Denominational leaders have gone as far as discouraging the pastors and churches which they served that evangelism did not work in their state. Other leaders have written books dispelling the methods some used in the Bible as being ineffective. God forbid that His Word and commands not be effective and we disobey the Great Commission of making disciples.

“Over the years I have been shocked to hear church staff members and ministers make the statement that they were not sure if evangelism worked anymore.”

I became frustrated after attending meeting with denominational leaders and some pastors and hearing them exclaim that evangelism did not work in their state or city. I knew that these leaders were, mislead, not taking the correct approach, or tried once and failed, so they gave up. In some cases I had just led a team of missionary evangelists for a week and we had seen over two hundred people saved in their state or in a metropolitan center. I knew that evangelism worked. Evangelism is hard work. We must ask ourselves “How much effort did Jesus exert to pay for our sin, to the point of death?” Evangelism is hard work.

“Breaking the Evangelism Code” will encourage the reader to obey Jesus command to go witness. You can witness. You can go share your faith. You can obey Jesus’ command and go evangelize lost people and see people born into God’s kingdom.

“Evangelism is hard work. We must ask ourselves “How much effort did Jesus exert to pay for our sin, to the point of death?””

If you are looking for a book that will encourage and give you hope to fulfill the Great Commission, then get a copy of “Breaking the Evangelism Code.”

Buy the book: Breaking the Evangelism Code


Dr. Tom Cocklereece is CEO of RENOVA Coaching and Consulting, LLC. He is a pastor, author, professional coach, leadership specialist, and is a member Coach/Teacher/Speaker for the John Maxwell Team

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